
Elliott Jones, BFA, LMBT

NC License #18973

                                                                                                              Call or Text 860-371-5766


Elliott Jones, BFA, LMBT

NC License #18973

I wholeheartedly believe there is an inherent wisdom inside each one of us that knows what, when and how to heal. 

My role as a therapist is to hold space for that to unfold in a way that feels gentle and safe for my clients.

I consider our time together as a collaboration, where you have the opportunity to connect to your own inner wisdom as a multidimensional being. I will meet you exactly as you are.

I want to live in a world where every person feels safe to express themselves authentically. 

When one is taught from a young age to act a certain way, to fit inside a pre-determined box based on gender, sexuality, skin color, culture, ability, these experiences are deeply internalized within the body and spirit. The false lesson learned is that our “trueness” is not valid or worthy and is something to keep secret so that we can stay safe.
For the last fifteen years I have been on a mission to rediscover what it means to live authentically. When I found the path of yoga I began to welcome myself home into my body that I had left through traumatic events of the past. When I was initiated into the practice of Reiki, I connected to an empowering part of my human nature that is self-healing through energy work. When I found Craniosacral therapy, I discovered something that not only relieved me from my post-concussion syndrome symptoms, but actually shifted the every-day, baseline state of my nervous system from “fight or flight” toward a natural state of presence and peace. My pain was profoundly better, and I was sleeping well at night. It was powerful and miraculous!

In 2012 I earned a BFA in Lighting Design from the University of North Carolina School of the Arts, where my focus was on design for contemporary dance. Wanting to dedicate my life to serving others more directly, I then worked for North Carolina Outward Bound helping support students discover compassion, empowerment and self-reliance in a wilderness setting. I was brought to Craniosacral Therapy and the healing arts while desperately seeking alleviation from the lingering effects of a concussion. In awe at the range of seemingly unrelated symptoms and issues that improved in my life as I continued receiving CST treatments, I was inspired to follow this path.

In 2020 I graduated from the 675-hour Massage Therapy program at the Asheville School of Massage and Yoga, and became licensed to provide massage and bodywork therapy. I soon began studying and practicing Craniosacral Therapy through the Upledger Institute International. Through Home Planet Healing, I provide CST combined with reiki healing and other energy healing practices that I have cultivated through various shamanistic studies and mentorships. 

I believe it is our divine right to fully-inhabit and to feel safe in our bodies. My main intention is to create a space of unconditional love and deep listening, where you can be fully seen, heard and witnessed for who you are. The experience of this safety encourages and supports the body’s innate ability to heal and self-regulate, most notably supporting balance between the parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions of the nervous system. 

I live in Asheville with my precious cat Teddy. My other passions include writing music, playing guitar and drums in local bands, gardening, meditation and getting lost out in our magical Blue Ridge Mountains.

Click here to reach out to me! I'm always available to discuss how this powerful work may compliment your own healing journey.

I want to live in a world where every person feels safe to express themselves authentically. 

When one is taught from a young age to act a certain way, to fit inside a pre-determined box based on gender, sexuality, skin color, culture, ability, these experiences are deeply internalized within the body and spirit. The false lesson learned is that our “trueness” is not valid or worthy and is something to keep secret so that we can stay safe.

For the last ten years I have been on a mission to rediscover what it means to live authentically. When I found the path of yoga I began to welcome myself home into my body that I had left through traumatic events of the past. When I was initiated into the practice of Reiki, I connected to an empowering part of my human nature that is self-healing through energy work. When I found CranioSacral Therapy, I discovered something that not only relieved me from my troublesome post-concussion syndrome symptoms, but actually shifted the every-day, baseline state of my nervous system from “fight or flight” toward a natural state of presence and peace. My pain was profoundly better, and I was sleeping well at night. It was powerful and miraculous!

In 2012 I earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Lighting Design from the University of North Carolina School of the Arts, where my focus was on design for contemporary dance. Wanting to dedicate my life to serving others more directly, I then worked for North Carolina Outward Bound helping support students discover compassion, empowerment and self-reliance in a wilderness setting. I was later brought to CranioSacral therapy and the healing arts while desperately seeking alleviation from the lingering effects of a concussion. In awe at the range of seemingly unrelated symptoms and issues that improved in my life as I continued receiving CST treatments, I simply knew this was the path for me to follow.

In 2020 I graduated from the 675-hour Massage Therapy program at the Asheville School of Massage and Yoga, and became licensed to provide massage and bodywork therapy. I soon began studying and practicing CranioSacral Therapy through the Upledger Institute International. Through Home Planet Healing, I provide craniosacral therapy combined with reiki healing and other energy healing practices that I have cultivated through various shamanistic studies and mentorships. 

I believe it is our divine right to fully-inhabit and to feel safe in our bodies. My main intention is to create a space of unconditional love and deep listening, where you can be fully seen, heard and witnessed for who you are. The experience of this safety encourages and supports the body’s innate ability to heal and self-regulate, most notably supporting balance between the parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions of the nervous system. 

I live in Asheville with my partner and my precious cats Teddy and Liam. My other passions include writing music, playing guitar and drums in local bands, gardening, meditation and getting lost out in our magical Blue Ridge Mountains.

Click here to reach out to me! I'm always available to discuss how this powerful work may compliment your own healing journey.

For more information on Craniosacral Therapy, visit The Upledger Institute International: Discover Craniosacral Therapy

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